Api reference
Api reference for every class and function of Kart.
- class kart.Kart(builtins.object)
Main Kart class.
- __init__(self, miners: list = None, content_modifiers: list = None, mappers: list = None, map_modifiers: list = None, renderers: list = None, config: dict = None, build_location: str = '_site')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- build(self)
Build the entire site.
- check_config(self)
Checks if the config has all the necessary fields and sets them to default values if not.
- create_map(self)
Calls mappers and map modifiers.
- js_reload(self, request)
- mine_data(self, start: bool = True)
Calls miners and content modifiers.
- run(self)
Starts the kart execution. See --help for more information
- serve(self, port: int = 9000)
Main loop for serving the site.
- serve_page(self, request)
Serve a single page.
- update_data(self)
Update the site data after a file has been changed.
- write(self)
Calls renderers.
- ws_endpoint(self, request)
- ws_on_shutdown(self, _)
- ws_reload(self)
- class kart.miners.Miner(abc.ABC)
Base miner class.
- @abstractmethod
- collect(self, config: dict) -> Dict
Collects all data.
- @abstractmethod
- read_data(self, config: dict)
Reads data from its source.
- @abstractmethod
- start_watching(self, config: dict, callback)
Start watching for data changes. Returns an async function that watches for changes and executes the callback after each change
- @abstractmethod
- stop_watching(self, config: dict)
Stop watching for data changes.
- class kart.miners.DefaultMiner(kart.miners.Miner)
Base miner class for reading from filesystem.
- @abstractmethod
- __init__(self)
Initializes the miner. Must set the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.
- collect(self, config: dict)
Collects all data.
- @abstractmethod
- collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib._local.Path, config: dict)
Reads data from a single file.
- read_data(self, config: dict)
Implements Miner.read_data(). It iterates over a directory and calls collect_single_file() for each file
- start_watching(self, config: dict, callback)
Returns a function that calls collect_single_file() when a file has changed.
- stop_watching(self, config: dict)
Implements Miner.stop_watching(). It does nothing as no cleanup is needed.
- valid_path(self, path: Union[pathlib._local.Path, str]) -> bool
- class kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMiner)
Base miner that implements collect_single_file() for markup files.
- collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib._local.Path, config: dict) -> str
Stores the data included in the frontmatter and content data.
- get_metadata_and_content(self, data: str)
Parses the metadata and content of a markup file.
- class kart.miners.DefaultCollectionMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)
Miner that looks for data in the ``collections`` folder.
- __init__(self, collection: str, directory: str = 'collections')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``collection`` variables.
- class kart.miners.DefaultTaxonomyMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)
Miner that looks for data in the ``taxonomy`` folder.
- __init__(self, taxonomy: str, directory: str = 'taxonomies')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``taxonomy`` variables.
- class kart.miners.DefaultPageMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)
Miner that get data from the ``pages`` folder.
- __init__(self, directory: str = 'pages')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.
- class kart.miners.DefaultDataMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMiner)
Miner that get yaml data from the ``data`` folder.
- __init__(self, directory: str = 'data')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.
- collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib._local.Path, config: dict) -> str
Users YamlLoader to get data from a yaml file.
- class kart.miners.DefaultRobotsTxtMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMiner)
Miner that gets data from a robots.txt file.
- __init__(self, directory: str = 'data')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.
- collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib._local.Path, config: dict)
Collects data from robots.txt if present.
- valid_path(self, path: Union[pathlib._local.Path, str]) -> bool
- class kart.miners.WatchDirectoryMiner(kart.miners.Miner)
Miner that only watches for changes in a list of directories.
- __init__(self, dirs: list)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- collect(self, _)
Collects all data.
- read_data(self, config: dict)
Implements Miner.read_data(). It does nothing as this miner does not read data
- start_watching(self, config: dict, callback)
Returns a function that calls collect_single_file() when a file has changed.
- stop_watching(self, config: dict)
Implements Miner.stop_watching(). It does nothing as no cleanup is needed.
- class kart.mappers.Mapper(abc.ABC)
Base mapper class.
- @abstractmethod
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.RuleMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that uses user defined functions to build the map.
- __init__(self, rules: list)
Initializes the mapper with a list of functions.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.ManualMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that adds user defined pages to the map.
- __init__(self, pages: dict)
Initializes the mapper with a list of pages.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultCollectionMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper intended to be used with DefaultCollectionMiner.
- __init__(self, collection: str, template: str = 'item.html', base_url: str = '', renderer: str = 'default_site_renderer')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultPageMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper intended to be used with DefaultPageMiner.
- __init__(self, template: str = 'page.html', renderer: str = 'default_site_renderer')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultIndexMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that creates the index pages of a collection.
- __init__(self, collection: str, template: str = 'index.html', base_url: str = '', renderer: str = 'default_site_renderer')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultTaxonomyMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that creates the index pages of a taxonomy of a collection.
- __init__(self, collection: str, taxonomy: str, template: str = 'tag.html', base_url: str = '', renderer: str = 'default_site_renderer')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultFeedMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultFeedMapper.
- __init__(self, collections: list, renderer: str = 'default_feed_renderer')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultSitemapMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultFeedMapper.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultStaticFilesMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultFeedMapper.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultRootDirMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultFeedMapper.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.mappers.DefaultRobotsTxtMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultRobotsTxtRenderer.
- __init__(self, renderer: str = 'default_robotstxt_renderer')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.renderers.Renderer(abc.ABC)
Base Renderer class.
- @abstractmethod
- render(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap, build_location: str)
Renders each page indented for this renderer.
- @abstractmethod
- serve(self, request, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)
Serves the the requested page.
- start_serving(self, config: dict)
Start the dev server, if necessary.
- stop_serving(self, config: dict)
Stops the dev server, if necessary.
- class kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer(kart.renderers.Renderer)
Base class for renderers that render file individually.
- @abstractmethod
- __init__(self, name: str)
Initializes the renderer. Must set the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.
- render(self, config, site, sitemap, build_location)
Renders each page indented for this renderer.
- @abstractmethod
- render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap) -> str
Renders a single file.
- serve(self, request, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)
Serves the the requested page.
- class kart.renderers.DefaultDirectoryRenderer(kart.renderers.Renderer)
Base class for renderers that render directories.
- @abstractmethod
- __init__(self, name: str, directory: str)
Initializes renderer. Must set the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``base_url`` variables.
- render(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap, build_location: str)
Copies the entire directory to the target destination.
- serve(self, request, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)
Serves the the requested page.
- class kart.renderers.DefaultSiteRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer)
Default renderer for rendering html files.
- __init__(self, name: str = 'default_site_renderer', template_folder: str = 'templates', filters: dict = None, process_count: int = 1)
Initializes the renderer. Must set the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.
- _render_single(self, key: str, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap, build_location: str)
Renderers a single file and saves it to the disk.
- render(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap, build_location: str = '_site')
Renderers all the files with a multiprocessing Pool for faster build times.
- render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap) -> str
Renders a single file.
- class kart.renderers.DefaultFeedRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer)
Renders an atom feed file.
- __init__(self, name: str = 'default_feed_renderer')
Initializes renderer. Sets the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.
- render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap) -> str
Creates the atom feeds.
- class kart.renderers.DefaultSitemapRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer)
Renders the sitemap of the site.
- __init__(self, name: str = 'default_sitemap_renderer')
Initializes renderer. Sets the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.
- render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)
Uses the site ``map`` variable to create the sitemap.
- class kart.renderers.DefaultStaticFilesRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultDirectoryRenderer)
Renders all files in the ``static`` directory.
- __init__(self, name: str = 'default_static_files_renderer', directory: str = 'static')
Initializes renderer. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``content_type`` variables.
- class kart.renderers.DefaultRootDirRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultDirectoryRenderer)
Renders all files in the ``root`` directory.
- __init__(self, name: str = 'default_root_dir_renderer', directory: str = 'root')
Initializes renderer. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``content_type`` variables.
- class kart.renderers.DefaultRobotsTxtRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer)
Renders robots.txt.
- __init__(self, name: str = 'default_robotstxt_renderer')
Initializes the renderer. Must set the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.
- render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap) -> str
Renders a single file.
- class kart.modifiers.MapModifier(abc.ABC)
Base MapModifier class.
- @abstractmethod
- modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)
Takes as input the site and the site map and modifies them.
- class kart.modifiers.ContentModifier(abc.ABC)
Base ContentModifier class.
- @abstractmethod
- modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict)
Takes as input the site and modifies it.
- class kart.modifiers.RuleMapModifier(kart.modifiers.MapModifier)
MapModifier that executes a list of user defined functions.
- __init__(self, rules: list = None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)
Takes as input the site and the site map and modifies them.
- class kart.modifiers.RuleContentModifier(kart.modifiers.ContentModifier)
ContentModifier that executes a list of user defined functions.
- __init__(self, rules: list = None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict)
Takes as input the site and modifies it.
- class kart.modifiers.CollectionSorter(kart.modifiers.ContentModifier)
Modifier which sorts a collection based on a key.
- __init__(self, collection, key, reverse=False)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict)
Sorts the collection.
- class kart.utils.KartDict(collections.OrderedDict)
Subclass of OrderedDict with a custom iterator.
- __iter__(self)
Iterate over the dict values instead of the keys.
- class kart.utils.KartMap(kart.utils.KartDict)
Custom dictionary that holds the site map.
- __init__(self, initial_data: dict = None, base_url: str = '', site_url: str = '', **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- url(self, *name: List[str], prod: bool = False) -> str
Takes as input the slug of a page and returns its absolute url. If prod is set to True it uses the website base url even in draft mode
- function kart.utils.paginate(objects: list, per_page: int, template: str, base_url: str, slug: str, renderer: str, additional_data: dict = None) -> dict
Splits objects and for each group create an entry in the site map.
- function kart.utils.date_to_string(date: datetime.datetime) -> str
Formats a date to be displayed.
- function kart.utils.id_from_path(base_dir: pathlib._local.Path, path: pathlib._local.Path) -> str
Return the identifier of a page from its relative filepath.
- function kart.utils.merge_dicts(a: dict, b: dict) -> dict
Merge two dicts.
- function kart.utils.str_to_bool(x: str) -> (
, ) Convert strings to boolean.
- function kart.utils.default_list(val, default=None)
Returns a default list if input the is None.
- function kart.utils.default_dict(val, default=None)
Returns a default dict if the input is None.
- class kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)
Base miner that implements collect_single_file() for markup files.
- get_metadata_and_content(self, data: str)
Parses the metadata and content of a markup file.
- function kart.ext.asciidoc.asciidoc_to_html(context: jinja2.runtime.Context, asciidoc: str) -> str
Converts asciidoc data to html.
- function kart.ext.asciidoc.asciidoc_to_toc(asciidoc: str) -> str
Extracts a list of header from asciidoc data.
- function kart.ext.asciidoc.parse_asciidoc_header(header: str) -> Dict[str, Any]
- class kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocCollectionMiner(kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocMiner)
Miner that looks for data in the ``collections`` folder.
- __init__(self, collection: str, directory: str = 'collections')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``collection`` variables.
- class kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocTaxonomyMiner(kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocMiner)
Miner that looks for data in the ``taxonomy`` folder.
- __init__(self, taxonomy: str, directory: str = 'taxonomies')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``taxonomy`` variables.
- class kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocPageMiner(kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocMiner)
Miner that get data from the ``pages`` folder.
- __init__(self, directory: str = 'pages')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.
- class kart.ext.documentation.DefaultDocumentationMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)
Miner that recursively looks for data in the ``docs`` folder.
- __recursive_read_data(self, config: dict, path: pathlib._local.Path, level: int = 0)
Helper function.
- __init__(self, directory: str = 'docs')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``dir`` variables.
- collect(self, config: dict)
Collects all data.
- read_data(self, config: dict)
Implements Miner.read_data(). It iterates over a directory and calls collect_single_file() for each file
- start_watching(self, config: dict, callback)
Returns a function that calls read_data() when a file has changed.
- class kart.ext.documentation.DefaultDocumentationMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)
Mapper intended to be used with DefaultDocumentationMapper.
- __init__(self, template: str = 'page.html', base_url: str = '')
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> dict
Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.
- class kart.ext.documentation.DocumentationDirective(mistune.directives._base.DirectivePlugin)
Mistune class that add the ``function`` and ``class`` directive to build a techical documentation.
- __call__(self, directive, md)
Call self as a function.
- parse(self, block, m, state)
- render_ast(self, children, name, title=None)
- render_html_class(self, renderer, text, loc)
Renders the ``class`` directive.
- render_html_function(self, renderer, text, loc)
Renders the ``function`` directive.
- function kart.ext.documentation.markdown_to_html(context: jinja2.runtime.Context, content: str) -> str
Converts markdown data to html. It supports markdown directives to extract the documentation out of python docstrings.
- function kart.ext.documentation.markdown_to_toc(content: str) -> str
Extracts a list of header from markdown data.
- class kart.ext.markdown.KartMistuneRenderer(mistune.renderers.html.HTMLRenderer)
Custom mistune renderers used by markdown_to_html().
- __init__(self, context, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- block_code(self, text, info)
Renders the ``code`` block.
- heading(self, text, level)
Renders the ``heading`` block.
- link(self, text, url, title=None)
Renders the ``link`` block.
- function kart.ext.markdown.markdown_to_html(context: jinja2.runtime.Context, content: str) -> str
Converts markdown data to html.
- class kart.ext.markdown.TocRenderer(mistune.core.BaseRenderer)
Mistune renderer used by markdown_to_toc().
- heading(self, children, level)
Renders the ``heading`` block.
- render_token(self, token, state) -> str
- render_tokens(self, tokens, state) -> str
- text(self, text)
Renders the ``text`` block.
- function kart.ext.markdown.markdown_to_toc(content: str) -> str
Extracts a list of header from markdown data.
- class kart.ext.toml.TomlDataMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMiner)
Miner that get yaml data from the ``data`` folder.
- __init__(self, directory: str = 'data')
Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.
- collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib._local.Path, config: dict) -> str
Users tomli to get data from a toml file.