Api reference

Api reference for every class and function of Kart.


class kart.Kart(builtins.object)

Main Kart class.

__init__(self, miners: list = None, content_modifiers: list = None, mappers: list = None, map_modifiers: list = None, renderers: list = None, config: dict = None, build_location: str = '_site')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Build the entire site.


Checks if the config has all the necessary fields and sets them to default values if not.


Calls mappers and map modifiers.

js_reload(self, request)
mine_data(self, start: bool = True)

Calls miners and content modifiers.


Starts the kart execution. See --help for more information

serve(self, port: int = 9000)

Main loop for serving the site.

serve_page(self, request)

Serve a single page.


Update the site data after a file has been changed.


Calls renderers.

ws_endpoint(self, request)
ws_on_shutdown(self, _)


class kart.miners.Miner(abc.ABC)

Base miner class.

collect(self, config: dict) -> Dict

Collects all data.

read_data(self, config: dict)

Reads data from its source.

start_watching(self, config: dict, callback)

Start watching for data changes. Returns an async function that watches for changes and executes the callback after each change

stop_watching(self, config: dict)

Stop watching for data changes.

class kart.miners.DefaultMiner(kart.miners.Miner)

Base miner class for reading from filesystem.


Initializes the miner. Must set the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.

collect(self, config: dict)

Collects all data.

collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib.Path, config: dict)

Reads data from a single file.

read_data(self, config: dict)

Implements Miner.read_data(). It iterates over a directory and calls collect_single_file() for each file

start_watching(self, config: dict, callback)

Returns a function that calls collect_single_file() when a file has changed.

stop_watching(self, config: dict)

Implements Miner.stop_watching(). It does nothing as no cleanup is needed.

valid_path(self, path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> bool
class kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMiner)

Base miner that implements collect_single_file() for markup files.

collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib.Path, config: dict) -> str

Stores the data included in the frontmatter and content data.

get_metadata_and_content(self, data: str)

Parses the metadata and content of a markup file.

class kart.miners.DefaultCollectionMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)

Miner that looks for data in the ``collections`` folder.

__init__(self, collection: str, directory: str = 'collections')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``collection`` variables.

class kart.miners.DefaultTaxonomyMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)

Miner that looks for data in the ``taxonomy`` folder.

__init__(self, taxonomy: str, directory: str = 'taxonomies')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``taxonomy`` variables.

class kart.miners.DefaultPageMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)

Miner that get data from the ``pages`` folder.

__init__(self, directory: str = 'pages')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.

class kart.miners.DefaultDataMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMiner)

Miner that get yaml data from the ``data`` folder.

__init__(self, directory: str = 'data')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.

collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib.Path, config: dict) -> str

Users YamlLoader to get data from a yaml file.

class kart.miners.DefaultRobotsTxtMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMiner)

Miner that gets data from a robots.txt file.

__init__(self, directory: str = 'data')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.

collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib.Path, config: dict)

Collects data from robots.txt if present.

valid_path(self, path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> bool
class kart.miners.WatchDirectoryMiner(kart.miners.Miner)

Miner that only watches for changes in a list of directories.

__init__(self, dirs: list)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

collect(self, _)

Collects all data.

read_data(self, config: dict)

Implements Miner.read_data(). It does nothing as this miner does not read data

start_watching(self, config: dict, callback)

Returns a function that calls collect_single_file() when a file has changed.

stop_watching(self, config: dict)

Implements Miner.stop_watching(). It does nothing as no cleanup is needed.


class kart.mappers.Mapper(abc.ABC)

Base mapper class.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.RuleMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that uses user defined functions to build the map.

__init__(self, rules: list)

Initializes the mapper with a list of functions.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.ManualMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that adds user defined pages to the map.

__init__(self, pages: dict)

Initializes the mapper with a list of pages.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultCollectionMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper intended to be used with DefaultCollectionMiner.

__init__(self, collection: str, template: str = 'item.html', base_url: str = '', renderer: str = 'default_site_renderer')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultPageMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper intended to be used with DefaultPageMiner.

__init__(self, template: str = 'page.html', renderer: str = 'default_site_renderer')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultIndexMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that creates the index pages of a collection.

__init__(self, collection: str, template: str = 'index.html', base_url: str = '', renderer: str = 'default_site_renderer')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultTaxonomyMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that creates the index pages of a taxonomy of a collection.

__init__(self, collection: str, taxonomy: str, template: str = 'tag.html', base_url: str = '', renderer: str = 'default_site_renderer')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultFeedMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultFeedMapper.

__init__(self, collections: list, renderer: str = 'default_feed_renderer')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultSitemapMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultFeedMapper.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultStaticFilesMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultFeedMapper.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultRootDirMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultFeedMapper.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.mappers.DefaultRobotsTxtMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper that adds an entry for DefaultRobotsTxtRenderer.

__init__(self, renderer: str = 'default_robotstxt_renderer')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> kart.utils.KartMap

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.


class kart.renderers.Renderer(abc.ABC)

Base Renderer class.

render(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap, build_location: str)

Renders each page indented for this renderer.

serve(self, request, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)

Serves the the requested page.

start_serving(self, config: dict)

Start the dev server, if necessary.

stop_serving(self, config: dict)

Stops the dev server, if necessary.

class kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer(kart.renderers.Renderer)

Base class for renderers that render file individually.

__init__(self, name: str)

Initializes the renderer. Must set the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.

render(self, config, site, sitemap, build_location)

Renders each page indented for this renderer.

render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap) -> str

Renders a single file.

serve(self, request, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)

Serves the the requested page.

class kart.renderers.DefaultDirectoryRenderer(kart.renderers.Renderer)

Base class for renderers that render directories.

__init__(self, name: str, directory: str)

Initializes renderer. Must set the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``base_url`` variables.

render(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap, build_location: str)

Copies the entire directory to the target destination.

serve(self, request, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)

Serves the the requested page.

class kart.renderers.DefaultSiteRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer)

Default renderer for rendering html files.

__init__(self, name: str = 'default_site_renderer', template_folder: str = 'templates', filters: dict = None, process_count: int = 1)

Initializes the renderer. Must set the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.

_render_single(self, key: str, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap, build_location: str)

Renderers a single file and saves it to the disk.

render(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap, build_location: str = '_site')

Renderers all the files with a multiprocessing Pool for faster build times.

render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap) -> str

Renders a single file.

class kart.renderers.DefaultFeedRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer)

Renders an atom feed file.

__init__(self, name: str = 'default_feed_renderer')

Initializes renderer. Sets the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.

render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap) -> str

Creates the atom feeds.

class kart.renderers.DefaultSitemapRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer)

Renders the sitemap of the site.

__init__(self, name: str = 'default_sitemap_renderer')

Initializes renderer. Sets the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.

render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)

Uses the site ``map`` variable to create the sitemap.

class kart.renderers.DefaultStaticFilesRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultDirectoryRenderer)

Renders all files in the ``static`` directory.

__init__(self, name: str = 'default_static_files_renderer', directory: str = 'static')

Initializes renderer. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``content_type`` variables.

class kart.renderers.DefaultRootDirRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultDirectoryRenderer)

Renders all files in the ``root`` directory.

__init__(self, name: str = 'default_root_dir_renderer', directory: str = 'root')

Initializes renderer. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``content_type`` variables.

class kart.renderers.DefaultRobotsTxtRenderer(kart.renderers.DefaultFileRenderer)

Renders robots.txt.

__init__(self, name: str = 'default_robotstxt_renderer')

Initializes the renderer. Must set the ``name`` and ``content_type`` variables.

render_single(self, page: dict, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap) -> str

Renders a single file.


class kart.modifiers.MapModifier(abc.ABC)

Base MapModifier class.

modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)

Takes as input the site and the site map and modifies them.

class kart.modifiers.ContentModifier(abc.ABC)

Base ContentModifier class.

modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict)

Takes as input the site and modifies it.

class kart.modifiers.RuleMapModifier(kart.modifiers.MapModifier)

MapModifier that executes a list of user defined functions.

__init__(self, rules: list = None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict, sitemap: kart.utils.KartMap)

Takes as input the site and the site map and modifies them.

class kart.modifiers.RuleContentModifier(kart.modifiers.ContentModifier)

ContentModifier that executes a list of user defined functions.

__init__(self, rules: list = None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict)

Takes as input the site and modifies it.

class kart.modifiers.CollectionSorter(kart.modifiers.ContentModifier)

Modifier which sorts a collection based on a key.

__init__(self, collection, key, reverse=False)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

modify(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict)

Sorts the collection.


class kart.utils.KartDict(collections.OrderedDict)

Subclass of OrderedDict with a custom iterator.


Iterate over the dict values instead of the keys.

class kart.utils.KartMap(kart.utils.KartDict)

Custom dictionary that holds the site map.

__init__(self, initial_data: dict = None, base_url: str = '', site_url: str = '', **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

url(self, *name: List[str], prod: bool = False) -> str

Takes as input the slug of a page and returns its absolute url. If prod is set to True it uses the website base url even in draft mode

function kart.utils.paginate(objects: list, per_page: int, template: str, base_url: str, slug: str, renderer: str, additional_data: dict = None) -> dict

Splits objects and for each group create an entry in the site map.

function kart.utils.date_to_string(date: datetime.datetime) -> str

Formats a date to be displayed.

function kart.utils.id_from_path(base_dir: pathlib.Path, path: pathlib.Path) -> str

Return the identifier of a page from its relative filepath.

function kart.utils.merge_dicts(a: dict, b: dict) -> dict

Merge two dicts.

function kart.utils.str_to_bool(x: str) -> (, )

Convert strings to boolean.

function kart.utils.default_list(val, default=None)

Returns a default list if input the is None.

function kart.utils.default_dict(val, default=None)

Returns a default dict if the input is None.


class kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)

Base miner that implements collect_single_file() for markup files.

get_metadata_and_content(self, data: str)

Parses the metadata and content of a markup file.

function kart.ext.asciidoc.asciidoc_to_html(context: jinja2.runtime.Context, asciidoc: str) -> str

Converts asciidoc data to html.

function kart.ext.asciidoc.asciidoc_to_toc(asciidoc: str) -> str

Extracts a list of header from asciidoc data.

function kart.ext.asciidoc.parse_asciidoc_header(header: str) -> Dict[str, Any]


class kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocCollectionMiner(kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocMiner)

Miner that looks for data in the ``collections`` folder.

__init__(self, collection: str, directory: str = 'collections')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``collection`` variables.

class kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocTaxonomyMiner(kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocMiner)

Miner that looks for data in the ``taxonomy`` folder.

__init__(self, taxonomy: str, directory: str = 'taxonomies')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name``, ``dir`` and ``taxonomy`` variables.

class kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocPageMiner(kart.ext.asciidoc.AsciidocMiner)

Miner that get data from the ``pages`` folder.

__init__(self, directory: str = 'pages')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.


class kart.ext.documentation.DefaultDocumentationMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMarkupMiner)

Miner that recursively looks for data in the ``docs`` folder.

__recursive_read_data(self, config: dict, path: pathlib.Path, level: int = 0)

Helper function.

__init__(self, directory: str = 'docs')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``dir`` variables.

collect(self, config: dict)

Collects all data.

read_data(self, config: dict)

Implements Miner.read_data(). It iterates over a directory and calls collect_single_file() for each file

start_watching(self, config: dict, callback)

Returns a function that calls read_data() when a file has changed.

class kart.ext.documentation.DefaultDocumentationMapper(kart.mappers.Mapper)

Mapper intended to be used with DefaultDocumentationMapper.

__init__(self, template: str = 'page.html', base_url: str = '')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

map(self, config: dict, site: kart.utils.KartDict) -> dict

Takes the site as inputs and outputs a site map.

class kart.ext.documentation.DocumentationDirective(mistune.directives._base.DirectivePlugin)

Mistune class that add the ``function`` and ``class`` directive to build a techical documentation.

__call__(self, directive, md)

Call self as a function.

parse(self, block, m, state)
render_ast(self, children, name, title=None)
render_html_class(self, renderer, text, loc)

Renders the ``class`` directive.

render_html_function(self, renderer, text, loc)

Renders the ``function`` directive.

function kart.ext.documentation.markdown_to_html(context: jinja2.runtime.Context, content: str) -> str

Converts markdown data to html. It supports markdown directives to extract the documentation out of python docstrings.

function kart.ext.documentation.markdown_to_toc(content: str) -> str

Extracts a list of header from markdown data.


class kart.ext.markdown.KartMistuneRenderer(mistune.renderers.html.HTMLRenderer)

Custom mistune renderers used by markdown_to_html().

__init__(self, context, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

block_code(self, text, info)

Renders the ``code`` block.

heading(self, text, level)

Renders the ``heading`` block.

link(self, text, url, title=None)

Renders the ``link`` block.

function kart.ext.markdown.markdown_to_html(context: jinja2.runtime.Context, content: str) -> str

Converts markdown data to html.

class kart.ext.markdown.TocRenderer(mistune.core.BaseRenderer)

Mistune renderer used by markdown_to_toc().

heading(self, children, level)

Renders the ``heading`` block.

render_token(self, token, state) -> str
render_tokens(self, tokens, state) -> str
text(self, text)

Renders the ``text`` block.

function kart.ext.markdown.markdown_to_toc(content: str) -> str

Extracts a list of header from markdown data.


class kart.ext.toml.TomlDataMiner(kart.miners.DefaultMiner)

Miner that get yaml data from the ``data`` folder.

__init__(self, directory: str = 'data')

Initializes miner. Sets the ``name`` and ``dir`` variables.

collect_single_file(self, file: pathlib.Path, config: dict) -> str

Users tomli to get data from a toml file.